Sponseller Family Genealogy Collection

I need your contibutions to this site!  Information - not $$$

Why did I start this site? I want to perserve the Sponseller Genealogy. I want all the generations that come after us to have found us faithful in preserving their heritage.

I want to tell your story, or your Dad's, or Mom's, or . . . ? Please consider contributions of family trees, family pictures, and family stories. Tell us if you have a Sponseller Reunion. Let's build a record of all things Sponseller TOGETHER!


Since starting this site, I've heard form Sponsellers in:
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, California, Washington, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Washington, and Ontario.

Many of you have told me you'd be willing to contribute. I hope you'll follow through and send me additions to the site. Let's keep it growing.

Mike Sponseller